Megababe Thigh Rescue Anti Friction Stick

تخلق التركيبة الشبيهة بالبلسم حاجزًا يجلس فوق الجلد ، مما يسمح للفخذين والمناطق الأخرى التي تحتك بالانزلاق بسلاسة ضد بعضهاالبعض.
- Aloe soothes skin with anti-inflammatory and cooling properties
- Pomegranate seed extract protects skin's outer layer, promoting cell regeneration and rapid healing
- Grapeseed oil supplies skin-firming flavonoids to help build up collagen
- Antioxidant-rich vitamin E and grapeseed oil defend against damaging free radical aggressors
- Ginger root extract evens skin tone and improves elasticity
- Orange oil provides quick and effective relief from inflammation
How to Use
Swipe directly onto skin as needed throughout the day. For use on thighs, toes, shoulders, elbows — anywhere chafe is a problem!